Mom I will make you breakfast for your birthday.....What kind of cereal do you like?
Mom, what do you want for lunch? Do you want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
(he kept talking to me about birthday stuff)
He then disappeared and came back with a dollar in his hand and a huge smile on his face.
"A dollar, so you have good luck for your birthday."
Ethan and McKay were relentless in their questions about what I wanted for my birthday. I told them not fighting would be a great gift. They didn't like that answer. I said, "maybe some boots" but their response was, "yeah but we can't drive to the store." They wanted to hear something they could make. I told them I would love a good story. I love stories. They seemed to be satisfied with this response because they disappeared after dinner and returned once or twice to ask me how to spell words like, "goal and kick." I wonder what my stories will be about? I am such a lucky girl.
I think I will be well taken care of me for my birthday!!!
Another funny story, two in the same day.....
We were reading the scriptures tonght, and I asked Ethan what we read about and he said, "He wanted them to leave and get in their closet."
I then explained that Heavenly Father was teaching them to pray in their closets as a description to pray always in their hearts and to find quite peaceful places to pray to feel the spirit more easily, instead of praying to be heard of men and not with sincerity.
Ethan then decided he was going to say his individual prayers in the closet. So, McKay followed his lead and Mike and I looked at each other while we heard two little boys whispering their prayers in the closet.
Ethan then wrote a note to himself on a sticky note saying, "pray in your closet Ethan."
Ethan with a smile on his face said, "tomorrow night can we say family prayer in the closet?"