Sunday, May 8, 2011

Date Night with McKay

This last year we just started doing date nights with the kids.  I really enjoy the date night because as a mother I can just let go of things and focus on one child and have a good time with them.  So often times I find myself very busy barking orders here and there, "where's your shirt?  Get your shoes.  We are going to be late...etc." Date nights let me walk away from all that and I just enjoy the age and stage of each child.  It helps me remember how much I love being their mother.  

A couple of weeks ago it was McKay's turn for a date night with mom.  McKay wanted to go rollerskating for his date night.  He is still learning to skate, so he held my hand and we skated around the rink for about an hour.  He was intent on getting better and he really was enjoying the skating!  I was enjoying holding his hand and skating with him.  We were there on a Friday night, and it was middle schooler's mecca.  Watching all those middle schoolers interact I wanted to hold on to McKay's hand forever.  I am sure middle school will come all too quickly.

The other thing he wanted to do for date night was go to Chili's and get the chocolate molten cake with ice-cream.  He has been talking about it since Naomi's birthday back in August.  We got that cake and he was in absolute heaven.  One happy McKay!!!


  1. Your blog is cool...good work...saw pics on fb of your photo shoot. Came out really well...didn't allow me to comment on there. I love McKay hoola-ing...that is rad!

  2. what a sweet post! I love that you do date nights. I want to start that up too. And like Melly, I saw your fam pics on FB and they are beautiful!


